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Par forward

What is a PAR FORWARD?

A par forward is based on the same principles as a standard forward, i.e. a precisely defined amount is hedged by the fixed rate on the given date. It differs from standard forwards in that there is a possibility to make a series of multiple forwards with regular maturities. The final rate for all forwards in a given par forward series is determined by the average time weighted forward points for each maturity. Such a rate is usually more advantageous for the client than the average rate of standard forwards.

What are the advantages of a PAR FORWARD?

In addition to the standard benefits of future exchange rate security, another benefit is the single exchange rate for all maturities. Therefore, the client does not receive a different forward rate for each maturity, as is the case with a series of standard forwards. On the contrary, in the case of regular foreign direct debits, the client has the possibility to use one hedging product instead of individual forward trades.
We charge no fees for entering into a par forward.

Terms for concluding a PAR FORWARD:

The client anticipates payments from foreign customers, who will pay EUR 600.000 for goods delivered within the period of 12 months, i.e. by May 15, 2024, in regular quarterly payments. By concluding par forward contracts, the client gains in advance the certainty of a fixed exchange rate for which all four currency conversions will be gradually executed until the final payment date.

Date of accepted payment

July 15,

Aug 15,

Nov 15,

Feb 15,

May 15,

Spot exchange rate EUR/CZK
sale as of forward contract date


Par forward agreed exchange rate






Standard forward rate






Accepted payment in EUR






Any drawdown during the par forward term is for the originally negotiated forward rate and at no additional cost.

If a conversion transaction is not carried out / settled within a single forward due date on a predetermined settlement date, the settlement date may be postponed by a swap transaction to postpone the drawdown for an appropriate period. In such a case, the originally arranged partial forward trade will be re-evaluated and a new forward will be concluded based on the current market rates.
By entering into hedging operations, all entities providing such services incur exposures on the counterparty of such transactions. This engagement is covered in the following ways:

If you are interested in this product and believe that you would use it as a convenient tool to reduce the risk associated with your business, please contact us.

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Warsaw - AKCENTA CZ has been active in Poland since 2011
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AKCENTA CZ a.s. does not assume any liability for any damage or loss of profit caused to any parties by using the information and data contained on this website or in the company’s marketing material. AKCENTA CZ a.s. warns that entering into derivative transactions mentioned on this website or in the company’s marketing material involves risks. Clients are obligated, to the broadest extent possible, to familiarise themselves with these risks, understand them and take them into consideration and, if necessary, to ask for further information. More details on the risks related to derivative transactions are available on the website of AKCENTA CZ a.s.: Selected risks related to closing derivative transactions. Information on the risks can be also obtained from the employees of AKCENTA CZ a.s.
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